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6.9 Budget Line of Business (LoB)

The Budget LoB on (The website MAX.GOV is only accessible to federal employees) is a partnership between the PMO housed at the Department of Education, the Budget Systems Branch at OMB, and 27 partner agencies. (OMB. About the Budget LOB.) The goal of the Budget LoB is working together in order to build budget offices for the future by sharing information and best practices across the Federal Government. The focus of the Budget LoB is centered around three categories: processes, technology, and training and career development. Specific products include a solutions catalog which includes a comprehensive list of products, use cases, and training developed by the community, a budget systems inventory which reviews the systems agencies are using for various budget processes, project management for ongoing projects, as well as hosting training and events. The Budget LoB offers a monthly newsletter, monthly Task Force meetings, workgroup meetings once every few months, as well as a federal detailee program for emerging leaders.

Budget Process

Each year, Congress works on a federal budget for the next fiscal year. The government’s fiscal year runs from October 1 of one year to September 30 of the next. ( GSA. The Federal Government's Budget Process.) Planning begins two years in advance; the work actually begins in the executive branch the year before the budget is to go into effect. First, federal agencies create budget requests and submit them to OMB. OMB will refer to the agency requests as it develops the president’s budget proposal. The president submits his budget proposal to Congress early the next year. Then Congress, which the Constitution puts in charge of spending and borrowing, starts its work

Find the detailed budget timeline on the Budget LOB's page on (The website is only accessible to federal employees) and in the annual OMB Circular A-11.

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