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June 07, 2018

Technology Modernization Board Awards First Round Of Funding For Modernizing Agency Technology

By Office of the Federal Chief Information Officer


Washington, D.C. - The Technology Modernization Board, chaired by the Federal Chief Information Officer in the Office of Management and Budget, announced its first round of funding awards under the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF). TMF was authorized by Congress as a mechanism to finance technology modernization efforts across the Federal Government.

The Board approved proposals submitted by the Department of Energy, the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Agriculture. “The Technology Modernization Fund is an innovative funding model that allows Agencies to accelerate key IT modernization projects in support of the President’s Management Agenda.” Said Margaret Weichert, Deputy Director of Management at the Office of Management and Budget, “I am proud to see these first projects go through the rigorous TMF Board evaluation process and be awarded funding so quickly.”

“Today’s funding awards are important to the Administration’s commitment to modernizing the Federal Government,” said Suzette Kent, Federal Chief Information Officer and Chairwoman of the TMF Board. “These proposals show the need to update our federal infrastructure and create new operating models that align with aggressive technology transformation. The Board believes these projects deliver citizen benefits, meet the specific technology transformation goals defined in the MGT Act, have agency leadership support, and contains effective cost savings strategy that are at the heart of the TMF model.”

“The Technology Modernization Fund provides Federal agencies with a novel, new approach to investing in modern technology solutions that will bring about the updated, enhanced and secure platforms necessary to better serve our citizens,” said Emily W. Murphy, Administrator of the U.S. General Services Administration.

“Today’s announcement marks an important milestone for the future of IT modernization across the Federal Government. I am particularly pleased with the role GSA’s TMF project management office has played, in concert with the Board, in getting us to these first awards.”

Below are the awarded agencies and their proposals:

Department of Energy
Proposal: Enterprise Cloud Email Migration Acceleration
Awarded amount: $15 Million

Department of Housing and Urban Development
Proposal: Mainframe Application Migration Acceleration
Awarded amount: $20 Million

United States Department of Agriculture
Proposal: Customer Experience Portal
Awarded amount: $10 Million

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