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CIO Council - CISO Committee

About the CISO Council

The Federal Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Council is the primary body for inter-agency CISO collaboration and communication. The Council is led by the Federal CISO, who works in the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and a co-chair who’s a member of the Council, elected to serve in that role.

The CISO Council is dedicated to improving the cybersecurity posture of the United States through:

  • IT security policy development;
  • Strategic hiring and training of cybersecurity professionals;
  • Sharing of best practices; and
  • Promotion of shared services.

The Council promotes collaboration and community building among Federal Agency CISOs for the purposes of openly sharing information, transferring knowledge, and developing a unified approach for addressing Federal IT security challenges and handling prominent.

Strategic Focus Areas

  • Identity Management
  • Comprehensive Risk Assessment & Framework
  • Vulnerability Response
  • Shared Services
  • Performance Metrics


Christopher DeRusha, Chair
Federal Chief Information Security Officer
Office of Management and Budget

Steven Hernandez, Co-Chair
Chief Information Security Officer
Department of Education

The Federal CISO Council Page ( login required) provides tools and resources to encourage information sharing and collaboration.


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