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April 20, 2015

GSA Partners with CIO Council to Move IT Shared Services Forward

By CIO Council Operations


The CIO Council’s Executive Committee recently approved the transfer of its Shared Services Task Force to the General Service Administration’s Office of Government-wide Policy (OGP). This move will allow the Council to leverage OGP’s focus on creating customer focused, data-driven advisory services for agency executives. Serving as a just- in- time broker, OGP will help CIOs with their toughest policy implementation challenges, including migrating to shared solutions. As one of their first actions to try to make things a little easier for CIOs in their efforts to make sound decisions regarding shared services, OGP has coordinated across GSA to make the online IT shared services catalog, formerly known as Uncle Sam’s List, accessible through the Acquisition Gateway. By adding access to shared service information, decision makers can easily browse shared service offerings and acquisition options from one place.

Today, a visitor to the Acquisition Gateway can find information about acquisition vehicles and quickly link to the shared service catalog. Later this year, Acquisition Gateway visitors will find a more integrated tool, enabling users to directly explore shared service options alongside available acquisition vehicles, leading to better informed decisions on current and future purchases.

Much work remains to be done to ensure customers are presented with a robust decision support tool, but we can’t do this work alone. The more federal shared service providers and customers contribute, the more useful the tool will become. OGP and Federal Acquisition Service’s (FAS) Common Acquisition Platform Team welcome your feedback on how to make the decision support tool more relevant and useful.

To provide your input, or for more information on OGP’s management of federal shared services, please contact OGP at

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