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News articles from 2017

Federal CIO Council 2017 Accomplishments

By: CIO Council Operations | 29 Dec 2017

This post highlights the CIOC's Accomplishments from 2017.

  • 2017

  • Universal Design - What's in it for me??

    By: CIO Council Operations | 21 Dec 2017

    In private and public spaces, the role of the CIO is morphing in line with changing technologies and priorities. Today, CIOs now operate more as business managers or brokers, responsible for defining information technology (IT) strategy and administering and implementing digital services.

  • 2017

  • Universal Design - What is it?

    By: CIO Council Operations | 20 Dec 2017

    The year is 2017. The advancement of technology, led by key players in the private sector, has introduced innovations that have made applications more accessible for people with disabilities. Companies have pledged to implement accessible technology, pushing the technology industry to prioritize accessibility.

  • 2017

  • Final IT Modernization Report

    By: Chris Liddell | 15 Dec 2017

    The report is a key piece in this Administration’s efforts to modernize Federal IT. The actions articulated in the report will compliment Agency efforts to modernize citizen facing services – by moving to a more secure, agile, and cost effective infrastructure, much of which will be provided by shared services....

  • 2017

  • Federal CIO Council Sponsors Federal Tech/Cyber Hiring and Recruitment Event

    By: Beth Killoran, Chief Information Officer of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | 02 Nov 2017

    I chose to co-chair the Federal Chief Information Officer (CIO) Council Workforce Committee because I am compassionate about the people I serve, and I believe that a fortified workforce is the most critical component to success. Without significant, ongoing investment in and commitment to people, we do not only run...

  • 2017

  • Technology Business Management Agency Case Study - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

    By: CIO Council Operations | 02 Oct 2017

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) protects human health and the environment by developing and enforcing regulations, giving grants, studying environmental issues and teaching people about environmental issues. EPA has ten regional offices in addition to headquarters located in Washington, D.C.

  • epa
  • 2017

  • Technology Business Management Case Study - Washington State

    By: CIO Council Operations | 25 Sep 2017

    The Federal government spends at least $90 billion a year on information technology (IT), nearly threequarters of which pays for maintenance of existing systems. Federal agencies, in coordination with the Chief Information Officers (CIO) Council and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), are using the Technology Business Management (TBM)...

  • 2017

  • Federal CIO Council Sponsors Federal Tech and Cyber Hiring and Recruitment Event

    By: CIO Council Operations | 15 Sep 2017

    On November 6th and 7th, the Federal Chief Information Officers Council will host the first-ever, government-wide Federal Tech and Cyber Hiring and Recruitment Event at the Silver Spring Civic Building at Veterans Plaza in Silver Spring, MD.

  • 2017

  • White House Summit - Technology Business Management

    By: Margie Graves | 08 Aug 2017

    On July 20, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) co-sponsored an event with the TBM Council designed to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange between some of the leading minds in government and commercial technology leadership.

  • 2017

  • How to be Cloud Smart

    By: Dan Pomeroy, DCOI Managing Partner PMO, GSA | 06 Jun 2017

    Recently, GSA’s Data Center Optimization Initiative (DCOI) Program Management Office (PMO) published a whitepaper on Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Considerations for the Data Center Community. The purpose of the paper is to share successes, lessons learned and feedback from agencies about cloud transformation.

  • 2017

  • Modernizing Federal IT Part 10 - Modernizing with a Buy or Build

    By: Rob Klopp, CIO, Social Security Administration | 14 Apr 2017

    This is the tenth in a series describing how the Social Security Administration is working towards a more modern IT infrastructure.

  • ssa
  • 2017

  • Modernizing Federal IT Part 9 - Modernization Begets Modernization

    By: Rob Klopp, CIO, Social Security Administration | 27 Mar 2017

    This is the ninth in a series describing how the Social Security Administration is working towards a more modern IT infrastructure.

  • ssa
  • 2017

  • New CIO Council Report on Developer Platforms and Common APIs and Services

    By: Margie Graves, Federal Deputy Chief Information Officer | 06 Mar 2017

    The CIO Council has released a report, Developer Platforms - Shared Services for Common Developer-Focused APIs and Services, developed by an interagency collaboration that seeks to identify and share best practices for Federal departments and agencies on how to internally leverage a new generation of common platform capabilities powered by...

  • 2017

  • Let's Talk FITARA

    By: Frontis Wiggins, State Department CIO | 24 Feb 2017

    This blog entry was originally published on December 9th, 2016 on LinkedIn. Earlier this week, I testified before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Information Technology about the Department of State’s progress in implementing the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA).

  • 2017

  • Implementing FITARA Together

    By: Jason Gray | 07 Feb 2017

    The Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) has provided the visibility that I need to do my job. Notably, as the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the Department of Education, it gives me voting and veto rights on the review boards that determine where our IT dollars get spent, even...

  • 2017

  • CIO Council Releases State of Federal IT Report

    By: CIO Council Operations | 19 Jan 2017

    Over the past six months, the Federal CIO Council (CIOC), in partnership with GSA’s Office of Government-wide Policy, worked to author a report that would provide an understanding of where Federal IT is and how to continue to improve on managing and modernizing it. That report – the State of...

  • policy

  • Automatic HTTPS Enforcement for New Executive Branch .Gov Domains

    By: Marina Fox and Eric Mill | 19 Jan 2017

    HTTPS is a necessary baseline for security on the modern web. Non-secure HTTP connections lack integrity protection, and can be used to attack citizens, foreign nationals, and government staff. HTTPS provides increased confidentiality, authenticity, and integrity that mitigate these attacks.

  • 2017

  • Modernizing Federal IT Part 8 - The Proof is in the Pudding, Disability Case Processing System 2 (DCPS2) goes Live

    By: Rob Klopp, CIO, Social Security Administration | 09 Jan 2017

    This is the eighth in a series describing how the Social Security Administration is working towards a more modern IT infrastructure.

  • ssa
  • 2017


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