The Cloud & Infrastructure Community of Practice (C&I CoP) is chartered under the Federal Chief Information Officers (CIO) Council and supported by the General Services Administration’s (GSA) IT Modernization Division. The C&I CoP is designed for federal IT practitioners who want to network with other agencies to learn about common cloud, infrastructure and IT challenges and best practices.
Any federal employee or mission-supporting contractor is welcome to become a member of the C&I CoP. Members can attend monthly community meetings, participate in working groups, attend in-person conferences and virtual training courses, and connect with their peers through the CoP’s listserv.
Members are invited to our monthly meetings to share insights and success stories or ask questions and gain knowledge from their peers on the following topics:
The C&I CoP uses the listserv below to notify members of meetings, training sessions, and other collaboration opportunities:
The C&I CoP’s page is the main repository of CoP information. Find past presentations, information about upcoming meetings, and other CoP-specific resources. You must have a federal government (.gov or .mil) email address to access the C&I CoP connect page.
The Cloud & Infrastructure Community of Practice also sponsors focused sub communities of practice based on the current IT modernization needs of the federal government.
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) Subcommunity of Practice
According to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum M-21-07 [PDF], “the strategic intent is for the federal government to deliver its information services, operate its networks, and access the services of others using only IPv6.”
GSA and the IT Modernization Division assume the role of Program Manager for the Federal IPv6 Task Force. This task force hosts bi-monthly interagency meetings to share knowledge, common challenges, and best practices for implementing IPv6-only networks. Visit our team site here: IPv6 Task Force
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IT Efficiency and Security Subcommunity of Practice
The IT Efficiency and Security Subcommunity provides a forum for sharing IT efficiency and security best practices and lessons learned among Federal agencies for addressing critical areas such as improving IT resource efficiency, enhancing cybersecurity practices, and considerations around topics such as IoT and operational efficiency.
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Low Code No Code Subcommunity of Practice
In partnership with co-chairs from the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of the Interior, the Low Code No Code Subcommunity of Practice (LCNC Sub CoP) offers a space for collaboration on the federal adoption and implementation of LCNC platforms. Members attend meetings and work groups to share use cases, best practices, lessons learned, and opportunities for engagement. Visit our team site here: Low Code No Code Sub Community of Practice - E-Government Community - Community
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Workforce Development Subcommunity of Practice
The Cloud & Infrastructure Community of Practice (C&I CoP) and the Workforce Development Subcommunity offers no-cost training on a regular basis for federal staff. They host both fundamental and intermediate level courses on Cloud, Security, Compliance, networking, and IPv6 topics.
More information on C&I CoP no cost training is available on
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Agile Subcommunity of Practice
The purpose of the Federal Agile Subcommunity of Practice is to promote the adoption of Agile delivery methods across the federal IT community, including: The establishment of DevSecOps to enable continuous integration-continuous delivery (CI/CD) for rapid, high-quality and secure releases as part of Agile delivery; and Support agency transitions to product management and Human Centered Design from project management through the sharing of interagency knowledge and experience.
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Contact Us
GSA’s IT Modernization Division manages the C&I CoP and helps agencies modernize their cloud, infrastructure, and technology portfolios.
Have questions? Please email